Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes those changes can be significant and life-altering. Bruce Feiler, author of “Life is in the Transitions,” refers to these major life changes as Lifequakes. Whether it’s a job loss, a health crisis, a divorce, or a significant gain, Lifequakes can be both transformative and disorienting.

One way to effectively navigate Lifequakes is to map them out.

Mapping out Lifequakes involves identifying the significant events or transitions in your life and examining how they have impacted you. 

Benefits of lifequakes mapping

Gain clarity: Mapping out Lifequakes can help you gain clarity about the significant transitions in your life and how they have shaped your personal, professional, and relational circumstances.

Develop resilience: By mapping out your Lifequakes, you can develop resilience, or the ability to bounce back from adversity. You can identify the strengths and skills you developed during each transition and apply them to future Lifequakes.

Find purpose and meaning: Mapping out Lifequakes can help you find purpose and meaning in difficult circumstances. You can examine how you have grown and changed during each transition, and identify new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Recognize patterns: By mapping out Lifequakes, you can recognize patterns in your life and identify areas where you may need to make changes or set new goals.

Plan for the future: Mapping out Lifequakes can help you plan for the future by identifying potential Lifequakes and developing a plan for navigating them.

21 questions that you can ask yourself to review your life for Lifequakes

Personal Life:

  1. What events made me change or grow as a person over the past few years?
  2. Have I experienced any significant health challenges or changes, and if so, how have they impacted my life?
  3. What practices or habits have I developed to manage stress and maintain my emotional well-being? What event, or thoughts triggered these?
  4. What do I want to learn or explore more deeply about myself? Why? 
  5. Have I faced any major obstacles or crises in my personal life, and how have they affected me?
  6. In what ways have my relationships with family and friends shifted over time?
  7. What personal goals or aspirations have I set for myself in the coming years?


  1. Have I experienced any major changes in my relationships, such as marriage, divorce, or becoming a parent?
  2. What are my key relationships, and how have they evolved over time?
  3. Have I experienced any significant losses or changes in my social circle?
  4. What kind of relationships do I want to cultivate or deepen in the coming years?
  5. What patterns have I noticed in my relationships with others, both positive and negative?
  6. What kind of support do I need from the people in my life during times of change?
  7. What have been my most significant relationship challenges and how have I overcome them?

Professional Life:

  1. What changes have I experienced in my career, such as job loss or major promotion?
  2. What skills or strengths have I developed through my professional experiences?
  3. Have I faced any significant challenges or obstacles in my professional life, and how have I navigated them?
  4. What kind of work brings me the most joy and fulfillment?
  5. Have I experienced any significant changes or challenges in my education or training?
  6. How have I developed my leadership skills and what have I learned from my leadership experiences?
  7. What kind of impact do I want to make professionally, and what steps can I take to achieve that impact?

By asking yourself these questions, you can gain insights into the significant transitions you’ve experienced in your life, and use those insights to navigate future Lifequakes with greater resilience and purpose.

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