A real-life family situation of a disagreement over the appropriate level of materialism and consumerism in the family’s lifestyle.

Understanding where the difference comes from

At the orange level, individuals prioritize material success and achievement and may place a high value on accumulating wealth and possessions as a measure of success. They may view the pursuit of material goods as a legitimate goal in life and may prioritize individual achievement over communal well-being. Boomers might be more likely to live and view the world through the orange glass.

At the green level, individuals prioritize social justice and communal well-being, and may view the pursuit of material goods as a potential source of inequality and environmental harm. They may prioritize sustainability and social responsibility, and may prioritize the needs of the community over individual achievement. Sound like gen Z, right?

How and why does buying a car can turn into a family war?

In a family situation, this conflict might manifest in a variety of ways. For example, an orange-oriented family member might want to buy a new luxury car or a larger house to demonstrate their success and achievement, while a green-oriented family member might view this as a wasteful and environmentally damaging choice that is not in the best interests of the community.

Alternatively, the conflict might involve disagreements over the appropriate use of resources. For example, an orange-oriented family member might prioritize spending money on expensive vacations or high-end restaurants, while a green-oriented family member might view this as a selfish and indulgent use of resources that could be better spent on communal well-being.

What is the solution for dealing with conflict in a family of people who have different spending “levels”?

In order to resolve this conflict, it may be necessary for both orange and green-oriented family members to engage in open communication and dialogue, and to seek to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives. As a family, you need to find a way to balance individual achievement and communal well-being, and to prioritize the needs of the family as a whole over individual desires. Set shared goals and values as a family, and work together to find a way to achieve them in a way that is sustainable and responsible.

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